Having a Hairy Moment?

Having a hairy moment?

It’s that time of year! Spring is around the corner, coats are changing and if you are dealing with an unclipped horse or pony, there will be plenty of hair to groom away.

The change in temperature and daylight flicks the switch, and the hairy muddy monster, is beginning to realise that a sleek, shiny coat will be on its way through.

For the owner, this means a lot more grooming to encourage removal of the dead hair as quickly as possible.  Shedding is a natural seasonal process, and unless the horse has been clipped during the winter, there is no other way other than elbow grease to encourage the new coat to come through and the old coat to be removed.

There are many types of grooming brushes, curry combs and shedding blades to help get that coat out as quickly as possible.  We love this time of year, as its out with the old coat and in with the new and we have some effective products to hand to help!

Grooming and exercise go hand in hand, and horses that are in regular work will shed their coats more quickly, as will horses that are rugged up and kept warm to encourage the new coat to come through.

To get the hair away as quickly as possible these are our “go to” products

17th February 2020